Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So Now What's Really Left ? And When Will It Be Done ?

OK so the shelf is built and installed.
So what's left to FINALLY chalk this project up in the finished column ?

I need to build a small shelf to house the PC sub woofer. It contains the volume control for the computers audio speakers. I've purchased L brackets that I plan on using, and I will house this shelf just below where the cabinets original power supply was. That will allow me to reach behind the cabinet and adjust the volume if needed.

Ill need to house the PC inside the cabinet resting on its side. Ill keep one end of the tower case off to help with cooling. I might add one of my USB cooling stations to the inside of the cabinet for the time being. But I do plan on purchasing a fan to store inside the cabinet and provide additional cooling.

Once the speaker shelf is installed and the PC contained its a simple case of putting the cabinet back together. I would expect (and this is honest) to have the cabinet up and playable for Saturday. It feels good to say that and mean it.

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