Friday, June 27, 2008

Whats Left ? Detailed Spending

Here is a checklist of what still remains on my MAME project.
Ive also included a checklist of what the project has cost to date.


Marvel vs. Capcom = $75(fully working cabinet less one microswitch)
Cabinet delivery = $60IPAC = $66( $39 + $17 shipping + $10 fees)
Buttons = $12(twelve Japanese hori buttons @ $1 each)
Paint & Rollers = $20Labour = free

TOTAL = $233 * To date I've spent about 7 hours on the cabinet. I'm sure things could have been done faster, but inexperience plays a part. The machine has been fully gutted,cleaned,and mostly painted *


Finish painting cabinet
Clean,prep & paint control panel
Install joysticks & buttons
Wire up controls & connect to IPAC
Test completed control panel in MAME
Install computer, light fixture, and speakers
Remove computer monitor bezel and paint
Cut new bezel for monitor
Install computer monitor
Install marquee

There could be more the eludes me right now, but that is for the most part what remains.

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