Friday, June 13, 2008

Work On The Cabinet Begins

So with the IPAC on route from the UK I decided to start working on the MAME cabinet. Last night I removed the marquee which in actuality was nothing more then a computer print out on paper for Marvel vs. Capcom. It was taped over a X-Men vs. Street Fighter marquee that had a crack in it. I removed all the tape that was on the plexi, removed the adhesive with goo gone then cleaned the plexi. I had wanted to remove the control panel but was unable to do so. There seems to be two bunches of wires that run into the jamma board. I unplugged them, but found there were still additional wires connecting the control panel to the board. Forgive me if I don't have the correct terms, but I think some of the extra wires were for the extra buttons. I did unplug that, but found that MORE wires were running to a place I couldn't locate. My garage is full, so at this time I'm unable to move the cabinet around. If I were able to I could open the back door and see if perhaps this was a ground or something. I plan on taking another crack today as I really would love to remove the control panel. However I think ill just remove the buttons and joysticks then unbolt the panel. I noticed the cabinet doesn't have any keys, I'm so hoping I don't have to drill out the lock. Non MAME related I began that task of drilling out the lock on my Foosball table..........I broke 5 drill bits! I hope the back of this machine has nothing more then screws keeping the back door on.

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