Sunday, June 15, 2008

The final four

I was having a little trouble with the buttons for player two. Four of them didn't want to leave home. I decided at that point to remove the control panel and work with it on the floor. I dint know that it was a major help, but I managed to get all the buttons off. I then removed the metal brackets on the side (they keep the control panel locked in place) I also separated the plexi from the control panel. Once all that was done I started to remove the overlay. This has proven to be a major pain, and will be another thing that requires major "sweat equity." I purchased some goo gone and left it on for about 10 minutes. But this glue just doesn't want to move. Sat I was involved in a car accident with my wife, we are both OK, but we are in pain. So for now the project will need to take a back seat. Ill search the web for ideas of removing the remaining glue.

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