Monday, April 7, 2008

Step 5, 6, & 7

Step 5 : Transfer Remaining Data

There are a few elements to MAME, be it artwork,flyer's,marquees,cabinet pics,etc.
Once I moved over the ROMS I placed the remaining data in the required folders.

Step 6 : The Custom ROM Set

MAME has so much to offer, all the games from your childhood available with the push of a button or click of a mouse. Its great to bring these classics as you remember them right into your home office, family room, basement, or wherever you choose to enjoy them. My objective is to build a full size arcade style cabinet to give me that feel I'm looking for. With that said, 6000 + games to pic from can be rather daunting, or even take sometime just to find the ones I want.
I have decided to customize my "favorites" and select only games I know I like & enjoy. When my MAME loads up I will be able to select from this list of personal favorites, however the other games are still available.

** I've now gone through MAME and using Google & KLOV I've completed my customized ROM set. In the weeks to come I am going to begin testing the games for performance issues **

Step 7 : Locate the CHD's

Some games required additional storage in there original state, games like Killer Instinct reallied on an internal hard drive. MAME is still able to play these games, however you need a CHD. For a few games on my list I will require CHD's. I'm now on the quest to locate them.

** I've mannaged to locate the CHD's for another build of MAME. I don't know that they will work on my build, but since I cant find them CHD's for v.124 I thought I would give this a try. That's the final step to my custom ROM set **

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