Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Step 1 & 2 & 3


** if your day begins at 5am and goes strong through 11pm perhaps its best to not use the computer if your feeling tired. feeling tired can result in doing things wrong, and in turn twice**

STEP 1 : Format The Computer

I started lastnight by formating my computer, simple right ? Well I was tired, wasnt really paying attention and created a partition. When all was said and done I wouldnt have the space for the games & music i'd want. So I had to do this twice, the second time was a charm ! apx 70 gigs of free space remain.

STEP 2 : Transfer Mame Software + Roms from Cpu to External

I had to take Mame and the roms from my newer,faster PC and but them onto my external HDD. From there I would be able to (1) store them (2) and transfter them to my older,dedicated Mame cpu. This step, despite taking some time went ok !

Step 3 : Install MAME

This was a botch ! There really is nothing to the install of mame ! one click your done..I mean you have to configure it..but the install itself is easy. Once I did the install I moved over my roms.
Well being that it was apx 1am @ this time I installed Mame onto the extrnal HDD, and ended up moving the ROMS from one location on the external to another ! this was a b**ch!
I just ended up dumping that entire folder, installing Mame on the correct drive on my PC. I will begin to move the roms on thursday. (as I have some much earned free time)

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