Monday, July 23, 2012

MameMania and 60 in 1 Project

So as I said I managed to buy back two projects I had sold almost two years ago.
With my collection finalized (at least what will make it into the house!) and nearing completion I got the "bug."

I needed some goodies to work on and I'm excited to wrap these up. I've completed the body work, which is not flawless, but good enough for cabinets I don't plan on keeping. One is going to be DK blue, the other a nice bright yellow I picked up yesterday.

The master plan MAMEMANIA, a pure wrestling cabinet featuring MAME and console emulation.
Games ranging from Atari titles all the way up to and including some Dreamcast and PS1 titles.
Yellow paint, red t-molding ! Think Hulkamaina !

**** Right now in Ajax (Ontario Canada) its way too hot to paint. I'd love to be outside doing that now, but I've opted to chill in the AC ****

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