Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Top One Done....AGAIN!

With my new power supplies on hand I was able to get my keeper cabinet running again.
I installed the power supply this evening and just went over all the wiring to ensure nothing was missed. I even cut the end off of my monitor power cable to tie it directly into my terminal block inside. Now I only have the one plug coming out from the machine and once plugged in and switched on everything powers up nicely. Something I will do again when I complete the other two units this week.

All the power supplies have been tested and are ready for install. I also purchased additional fuse protection to connect directly to the fan lines. My only real issue comes from the fact that my crimp tool broke and I would like to re-check all the connections. I guess the last real issue is that I have 0 soldering skills......but my buddy who helped me with round one has offered to come back and help me wrap this project up. So if all goes well they should be done this weekend and ready for sale.

I've jumped the gun a little and posted them for sale on the local Kijiji. Hoping to have these outta the house come the holidays.

1 comment:

Vinod said...
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