I've come to realize three things as of late.
I need to stop counting on people for help with this hobby. Which leads me to......
If I'm going to stick with this hobby I need to build an even better tool kit.
I should not be so rough with my stuff !
Not having all the proper tools often comes to bite me in the ass in the world of coin-op. I can't always get things done when I want. I need to wait for this person and that person. I end up going back to things time and time again. And as I have learned the more you mess with something, the better your odds of breaking it are.
I've considered getting LCD monitors for the bartop's, or even just having it as an option at the time of sale. I had to remove the monitor from its mounting bracket so I could take the bracket with me and size out the monitors. Well me, like a bull in a china shop as my mom would say poked,prodded,and pulled until I ended up breaking the neck of the monitor. Now I have no option I NEED an LCD !
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