Thursday, July 4, 2013

Primed And Ready!

I'm not sure if this cabinet had been painted with oil based paint. And being me I didn't look online to see of any tests I could do prior to painting. Instead I just primed it with some extra paint I had kicking around.
The paint seems to have taken will, all be it when I scraped off some highs spots they came off perhaps a lil too easy! So I decided I' leave it for a week so the paint could really cure. Depending on the weather here just east of Toronto, Ontario Canada I may or may not paint this weekend.
I'm actually confident I'll make the deadline I set for this project!


  • Finish painting cabinet sides (front, coin door, and plastics all done)
  • Clean up the base area, either adding a base, or modifying the feet on the cabinet.
  • Install base cold cathode lighting
  • Install coin doors, board, jamma harness