Monday, May 30, 2011

Donkey Kong Jr MAME Cabinet

I didn't chronicle this build on my blog.
However for anyone interested I did outline the build over on KLOV.
Here is the link :

Picked this up in August of 2010. I really started falling in love with Nintendo cabinets as of late, the colors, the art, the size, the classics, everything about them. I was super stoked when I had the opportunity to get this gem. It's the pride and joy of my collection.

I spent $494 getting this project to where it is now, however I sold the original monitor for $150. Which really makes my total $344. It's running MAMEv 124 with a complete ROM set. However I used ROMlister to compile a specific list of games that utilize no more than one button. I used MaLa as the front end, and all the menu screens are custom.

I really love this project, I'd LOVE another Nintendo cabinet.

Here is the spending breakdown :

Donkey Kong Jr Cabinet $75
including Bezel, monitor, DK 3 CP &
upper marquee bracket

Donkey Kong Jr CPO + $35
lower marquee bracket (shipped)

Bondo $12

Delivery $0

Control Panel (0.5" MDF) cut $10

Bondo Kit/Sand Paper/Wire Brush $29
Paint Roller + Extra Rollers/Glue

Light (18" Home Depot) $13

Plastic Polish $15

Spray Paint x 4 $12

Art Work (local print shop) $5

Orange Paint $20

Wood base, rubber feet, $10
screws & bolts

Side Art (on order) $50

20" Samsung LCD Monitor + $122
New PC Speakers

P4 Computer $46

T-molding $15

Marquee $25

Total: $494