As I patiently wait for my co-worker to bring back Bar Top number three I proceed with this project where I can. He is kindly (all be it slowly) making me control panels for two of the three bar tops. One of the three was easily modified to contain a joystick and buttons. I decided that while I wait I should begin that aspect of the project.
I went out and picked up my 1 1/8" drill bit, perfect for arcade buttons. I drilled a few practice holes on a spare piece of wood and all was good. So I prepared to widen the holes when suddenly I realized the drill had nothing to bit onto. I'm not the greatest with tools as anyone can tell from reading this blog. But it soon came to me, attach a piece of wood to the back of the control panel. Drill some pilot holes as perfectly centered as you can and voila! For the most part I was bang on and my practice control panel turned out well.
So now onto what I call the "keeper" the bar top that I tried to design with the wife in mind. I attach a piece of wood to the back, I screw it down, I drill out my pilot holes, I put some painters tape on the front of the panel to avoid chipping and I'm off. Don't ask me how I do a wicked job on the throwaway, yet the "keepers" pilot holes are all over the place. So I take my level and draw two straight lines based on the top and bottom of hole one. I flip over the panel and take a look, a good long look at my pilot holes. They looked good ! So I decide I'll just stick with them. In the end I ended up chipping the control panel. Luckily I glued the chipped part back into place, however it has a slight elevation from the rest of the panel.
To me when I look at it the buttons all look good and line up well, the joystick is secured well (and from the bottom), and the overall paint job is good. Three coats of flat black and three coats of Krylon Triple Thick clear coat. No matter what I do I always have to get some dog hair on it so I've come to expect that. You can defiantly tell what area was damaged, but all in all it looks good.
It could be better, but when in place I think it will look awesome. And really I don't want to have to build a new one.
(*** excuse some of the pics I was messing around with my Mighty Muggs ***)